Monday, December 19, 2011

4 Months Old and Still Freeloading!

The Wee One's 4 month report:

Height: 25 1/4" (90%)
Weight: 13 lb 14.6 oz (50%)
Head Circumference: 41.8 cm (80%)

As it probably seems to most people, given Rachel and I's remarkably unremarkable living habits, Luna surviving this long is truly a shocker! You might find that funny, but only a few short years ago, we couldn't even keep a goldfish alive. Or the next one we bought. Or the next one... or the next. Well, you get the picture.

Luna continues the struggle for babies everywhere...

Get those parents out of bed! EARLY! Keep those diapers clean!
Mix those bottles! Sop up the drool!

"Getting tired? Haha! Think again, lazy!
I've got at least 5 more things to cry about before I'll even consider getting drowsy!"

She may run a tight ship, but there's one issue that we just can't let go of. Luna just can't pull her weight around here. Not only does Luna refuse to go out and look for a job or cook and clean, but she literally cannot pull her massive hunk of flesh across the floor. Not only that, but she holds looming threats or spit up and diaper blow-outs over our heads. Maybe she's broken... Well, probably not, since we just took her to the pediatrician's office and they gave us the news: we're stuck with a healthy little girl for what may seem like a lifetime. I guess we can make it work. If we keep at it, maybe she WILL get a job. Maybe she WILL stop demanding that we pick her up and carry her, especially when any rational person would just walk across the room to get something to put in their mouths! Gah Luna! We're not your slaves!

(Past, present, and future apologies to the grammar police, punctuation fascists!, spell checkers, continuity watchdogs, ellipses minimalists, pun haters, photoshop perfectionists, and all around picky folks... for obvious reasons)

And now... for some pictures I took at the baby repair facility (and some other ones I put on facebook), but you may want to tell your kids to go the other room. She's scantily clad!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

2 Months!

Luna has survived for just over two months (do you count it at 8 weeks or two months? I was never sure)!! Congratulations! We're not sure if it had much to do with us, but we're ecstatic anyway! Way to grow Luna!

We took Luna to the pediatrician for her two month check up yesterday and she was right on track for being a baby! Oh, and a healthy one at that. She finally moved from the 20th percentile in weight to the 50th at 11 lbs. even! Way to pack on the pudge, Luna. No one's gonna call you "stick baby" anymore! She's also 23 1/4 in. long, keeping her at about the 75th percentile. Unofficially, her foot size is off the charts. She's only slightly loose in shoes for a 6-month-old. She'll either be tallish, or some sort of Hobbit masquerading as a clown in order to fit in. Either way, she'll be a shoe-in for the WNBA!

At the doc...

Just woke up happy!

Just woke up... not so happy!

Monday, September 26, 2011

6 weeks!

I can't believe she (and Rachel and I) have survived it all! Better yet, Luna has started smiling more... all goofy-like. Kinda like her dad.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Luna is 1 month old!

It seems like it was just yesterday that Luna was born. Well, that and an eternity. But, even through all of the blowout diapers, screaming, and lack of sleep, every time I look at or even think about her, Luna still melts my heart. We're definitely keeping her!

Luna @ 1 month:

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Luna @ 2 weeks

Luna went in to the pediatrician this morning and had her 2 week exam. She's doing well, aside from getting really mad and crying because we had to wait through her feeding time. The foot blood test probably didn't help. At any rate, she now weighs 7 lbs and is 20.5" long! And because of all the great crying, we affixed a princess sticker to her car seat.